As the winter season gives way to spring, thoughts of simple times spent in the sun may start to shine in your mind. Whether you can take time off for a vacation or you plan to steal just a few hours away, here are some ideas for how to soak up the rays of light around you and indulge in your own little spring break.
1. Shake Off the Weight of Winter
Clean your slate with the freshness of the season, committing to spring cleaning and detoxification. Get rid of at least five things in every room of your home, and amidst the purging take time for some deep scrubbing. Cleanse yourself from the inside-out, too, committing to clean and seasonal eating.
2. Freshen Your Scenery
Get away, even if only for a day. Head to the hills, to the ocean, or to a new city to break from your routine and experience something new. Make your day memorable by packing a picnic or creating an engaging walking tour, and don’t forget to stay in the moment—off your phone and into the world.
3. Do Open-Air Yoga
Some of the most memorable moments in the sunshine can be created on your mat. Illuminate your practice and get your al fresco flow on during both communal and solo outdoor yoga sessions. Enjoy each breath as you soak in the vibrant rays just in time for the summer season.
4. Walk (or Run) First, Then Brunch
Plan some social spring outings, but start them off with some outdoor movement. Meet your friends at a hiking or biking trail or recreation path to get your blood pumping for an hour or so, then hit up a sunny patio for some smoothies, pancakes and omelets.
5. Put Your Feet Up
Don’t underestimate the power of simple relaxation. Even with some extra time off, don’t overbook your schedule. Instead, make a point to leave some “margins” open—like the blank space on a page that allows words to be processed. “Free” time doesn’t create boredom, but freedom. It opens the door to creative spontaneity and is often the shift that breaks open feelings of being overwhelmed, stuck, or stagnant.
By Kim Fuller